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TY10Abakus® mobil oil粒子计数器ZX21


Abakus® mobil oil粒子计数器

Abakus® mobil oil粒子计数器
订 货 号:ZY300796 品    牌:Klotz 产    地:德国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Abakus® mobil oil Particle counter for oils

The Abakus® mobil fluid particle counting system with tank (Amf) is used for counting particles from pressure lines and bottles. The particle number can be displayed for up to 16 freely definable size classes, printed out, saved and transmitted to the interface. The representation of the particle number can also be carried out in the effective standards (ISO 4406, NAS). The LDS 45/50 laser sensor and the double piston pump are well suited for the contamination control of oils. The pump works independently of the inlet pressure and the oil’s viscosity. Since no idle stroke is required it is possible to very quickly measure large quantities of liquid. The Amf particle counter can work from lab bottles, tank systems and pressure lines without any problems.

The LDS 45/50 sensor for the Amf and PZG can be employed for high particle concentrations of up to 60,000 particles/ml. Furthermore, the sensor is distinguished by its high reproducibility and high resolution.

For monitoring flushing equipment the LDS 1/1 laser sensor is used. The sensor can be operated with a high flow rate.

With the “Log and Show” evaluation software the measuring results can be exported and further processed via the built-in interface to the PC in various programs (MS Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 etc.). Direct measuring and saving via the software is also possible. Optional: memory card (compact flash CF).

Areas of application:
Contamination control of hydraulic oils (bottle samples or samples from pressure lines), testing diesel fuels, contamination control of transmission oils. The measuring device is suitable for online measurements, for measurements in the lab and due to its compact construction also for on-site mobile applications. Optional: battery operation.

Technical specifications:
Size classes: 4, 6, 14, 25, 50, 100/2/5/15 According to ISO 4406 (91/99), NAS 1638, SAE-AS4059E, SAE- A6D, SAE749D, GOST 17216-71, GJB 420A-96, GJB 420-87, GB 5930-86
Measuring value display: PC, display, printer, limit value display, CF Card
Software: LAS 3.3
Power supply: 230 / 115 VAC, 24 VDC, battery
Connection: Minimess (M16x3; 6 mm Ermeto (L))
Dimensions (h x w x d): 220 x 490 x 250 mm
Weight: 13 kg
Accessories: PZG for the pressurization of sample bottles

Abakus® mobil oil粒子计数器


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KlotzAbakus® mobil oil粒子计数器


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