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TCC-PSS air三通道空气清洁度粒子计数器

TCC-PSS air三通道空气清洁度粒子计数器
订 货 号:ZY300780 品    牌:Klotz 产    地:德国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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The particle counter TCC-PSS air is a monitoring system for online measurement of the number and size of particles in the air. The measuring system is suitable for stationary use and covers with its various sensors a measuring range of 0.2 μm up to 500 μm. Depending on the sensor in use, the TCC can monitor within this range three freely selectable size classes and transmit the particle number either as analogue signal (current e.g. 4-20 mA) to a SPS or to the RS232. For each channel it is possible to set threshold values which monitor the degree of contamination and release an alarm signal if required. The measuring mode of the TCC is for timedriven measurements only which means that the rate of flow through the laser sensor must be kept constant (flow controller or similar). In connection with the PSS air box the air is drawn in by a piston pump through the measuring senor. For compressed air and gases a pressure reducer is used.

Areas of application:
Monitoring of air cleanliness in hospitals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and foodstuff industry, where there are stringent requirements for the ambient air and air conditioning. Use in the semi-conductor industry, printed circuit board manufacturing and micro-mechanical production, in the automobile industry, in safety engineering and in nano technology. For monitoring flush processes in pipelines and containers as well as compressed air and pressure gas.

Measuring software SW-TCC
Parameter software SW-Para

Technical Details:
Method: light scattering 90°
Particle size channel: sizes freely selectable 0.3-0.5-5 μm, max. 3 channels
Volume flow: 28.3 l/min., monitored
Data contents: date, time, measuring volume, particle number, with software SW-TCC air
Value readout: display, current 4-20 mA, RS232, threshold overstepping
Value memory: none
Supply unit: 230 V/AC power supply / 24 V/DC
Dimensions (h x w x d):
TCC: 185 x 245 x 120 mm
PCSS air: 150 x 270 x 220 mm
Weight / material:
TCC: 1.5 kg plastic
PCSS air: 5 kg stainless steel




KlotzTCC-PSS air三通道空气清洁度粒子计数器


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