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TY10Pikotek VCF防火安全法兰绝缘垫片ZX21


Pikotek VCF防火安全法兰绝缘垫片

Pikotek VCF防火安全法兰绝缘垫片
订 货 号:ZY351331 品    牌:英国密析尔MICHELL 产    地:英国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Key Features
Based on the roven Pikotek VCS insulating gasket platform
Provides Complete Flange Electrical Isolation
Tandem Seal Technology:
- Primary Sealing System has 20+ years successful track record.
-Secondary Sealing System is dual purpose fire safe and backup.
Passes API 6FB, 3rd Edition fire test
Use in conjunction with cathodic protection systems
Mitigates potential flange rotation
Provides a tighter seal under low bolt loads
65,000 psi compressive strength
750-800 VPM dielectric strength
0.1% water absorption
50,000 psi tensile strength
The VCFS Flange Insulation Gasket utilizes Pikotek’s standard VCS Flange Insulation Gasket design with its 20 plus year track record of success in sealing Very Critical Service. The FS fireproof version was created by taking a standard VCS configuration and adding a secondary sealing element that is capable of maintaining a seal while subject to a 1500ºF fire. The VCFS combines the VCS’s proven track record of electrical isolation and sealing integrity in aggressive situations with a solution that has fully passed the API 6FB, 3rd Edition fire test.
The VCFS is suitable in all services up to and including ANSI 2500# and is offered for ring type joint (RTJ) flanges from 6”- 24” and raised face flanges from 2”-24”. The VCFS* is designed for service where the cost of joint failure cannot be tolerated and the operator desires both electrical isolation and added sealing integrity in the case of a fire.
The VCFS consists of a PTFE spring-energized primary sealing element and an E-ring secondary seal, all seated in a high-strength metal core upon which an insulating laminate is permanently bonded. Due to its unique pressure activated sealing mechanism, the gasket requires far less bolt stress to seal than other gasket types. In addition, the engineered E-ring will serve as a secondary seal during normal operation and the primary sealing element during a fire.

Pikotek VCF防火安全法兰绝缘垫片


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4.TY10Pikotek VCF防火安全法兰绝缘垫片价格根据配置和货期不同而不同,具体以合同为准.
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英国密析尔MICHELLPikotek VCF防火安全法兰绝缘垫片


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