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TY10TRC ice point™冰点校准参考箱ZX21


TRC ice point™冰点校准参考箱

TRC ice point™冰点校准参考箱
订 货 号:zy420460 品    牌:美国NEWPORT 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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The TRC ice point™ Reference Chamber relies on the equilibrium of ice and distilled, deionized water at atmospheric pressure to maintain six reference wells at precisely 0°C. The wells extend into a sealed cylindrical chamber containing the distilled, deionized water. The outer walls of the chambers are cooled by thermo-electric cooling elements. The increase in volume produced by the creation of ice crystals within the cell is sensed by the expansion of a bellows, which operates a microswitch and controls the cooling elements. The alternate freezing and thawing of the ice accurately maintains a 0°C environment around the reference wells. The automatic operational features of this instrument eliminate the need for frequent attention, required of common ice baths. On-off cycling of a pilot light indicates proper operation of the unit at ice point temperature.

Any combination of thermocouples may be used with this instrument by simply inserting the reference probes in the reference wells. Calibration of other types of temperature sensors at 0°C may also be performed. When accurate temperature measurements are required, the TRCIII ice point Chamber delivers the precision you need. The reference wells are maintained at 0°C to within ±0.1°C and a stability of ±0.04°C for constant ambient. Continuous cycling operation maintains constant equilibrium conditions within the cell, eliminating the slow drift often experienced in common ice baths as melting occurs. TRP reference probes, used with the TRCIII, provide a junction from thermocouple alloys to copper wire, at the probe tip. When inserted into the TRCIII, TRP probes enable the change from thermocouple alloy to copper at 0°C, for accurate cold junction compensation.


A 0°C (32°F) Thermoelectric "Refrigerator"
Eliminates Old Fashioned "Ice Bath"
For Versatile Use in the Factory, Laboratory, Instrument Shop
Calibration of All Temperature Instruments and Sensors
Rugged Outer Case for Safe Portability
Accepts Up to 6 Probes
Available in 120 or 220 Vac Models
NIST Traceable Calibration Available
Companion Dry Block Probe Calibrator Available (Model CL900/950)


TRC ice point™冰点校准参考箱


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美国NEWPORTTRC ice point™冰点校准参考箱


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