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TY10Biometra WT-系列水平摇床(脱色摇床)ZX21


Biometra WT-系列水平摇床(脱色摇床)

Biometra WT-系列水平摇床(脱色摇床)
订 货 号:zy414646 品    牌:耶拿/analytikjena 产    地:德国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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·For gel staining and destaining, membrane incubation etc.
·2 different sizes
·Quiet operation
·High safety standard

·Biometra's Rocking Platforms feature rock-solid construction.

·The instruments are ideal for applications in which gentle flow of solution is required.

·The Tumbling Tables are ideal for any application requiring mixing or agitation of solutions, e.g. staining and destaining of electrophoresis gels.
·With shaking angles of 5 or 10? and variable shaking frequency they can be used in a multitude of applications. Both models can support a generous weight load and are designed for years of reliable service under the most demanding conditions.
·Whereas the two rocking platforms WT15 and WT16 move back and forth, the two tumbling tables WT12 and WT17 move three-dimensionally.

Tumbling Tables WT12/WT17
·For gel staining and destaining, membrane incubation etc.
·5 kg or 10 kg load capacity
·26 x 29 cm or 35 x 40 cm platform surface
·Quiet operation
·Biometra's Tumbling Tables feature rock-solid construction.

·The instruments are ideal for any application requiring mixing or agitation of solutions, e.g. staining and destaining.
·With tumbling angles of 5 or 10? and variable tumbling frequency they can be used in a multitude of applications. Both models can support a generous weight load and are designed for years of reliable service under the most demanding conditions.

·Whereas the two tumbling tables WT12 and WT17 move three-dimensionally, the two rocking platforms WT15 and WT16 move back and forth.


Biometra WT-系列水平摇床(脱色摇床)


3.我们提供Biometra WT-系列水平摇床(脱色摇床)计量送检,在签收前请详细核查资料信息.
4.TY10Biometra WT-系列水平摇床(脱色摇床)价格根据配置和货期不同而不同,具体以合同为准.
5.我们为阁下提供保修TY10Biometra WT-系列水平摇床(脱色摇床)售后维修服务,提供后期技术支持.
6.阁下对TY10Biometra WT-系列水平摇床(脱色摇床)使用方法等有需求时,将为阁下找到Biometra WT-系列水平摇床(脱色摇床)说明书.

耶拿/analytikjenaBiometra WT-系列水平摇床(脱色摇床)


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