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TY10DirectSense TOX复合气体检测仪ZX21


DirectSense TOX复合气体检测仪

DirectSense TOX复合气体检测仪
订 货 号:ZY317935 品    牌:灰狼 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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SO2   NO2   NO   CO   NH3   H2S   HCN 
HCl   H2   O2   O3   EtO   Cl2  SiH4  F2
AsH3  PH3   ClO2   CCl2O   HF  
DirectSense TOX multi-gas meters combine the latest available electrochemical gas sensor technology with the advanced capability of mobile computing. GrayWolf multiple toxic gas monitors harness the power of mobile PCs to significantly improve your toxic gas test and reporting capability.
Select from one up to 5 gas sensors, plus temperature, in a single probe
Options for VOCs, Airflow, Particle Counts, CO2, %RH and more with additional probes
Connect to a GrayWolf supplied Pocket PC, embedded PC meter or to your own Mobile/Notebook PC
Log portable spot measurements, or trend log (unattended) over hours/days/weeks
Store enhanced survey information; data, text, graphic, audio notes and more...
Auto-attach photos, videos, calibration details and more to data files
On-board sensor tips; government & industry guidelines, cross-sensitivity info and more...
Desktop data transfer and reporting software is included.
Optional Advanced Report Generator software makes detailed report production ultra-efficient
Load your own application related documents or procedures (.pdf, Word, Excel, HTML)
Extremely easy to use
Toxic gas sensors are available for measuring Ozone (O3), Ammonia (NH3), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Nitric Oxide (NO), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN), Hydrogen Chloride (HCl), Oxygen (O2), Chlorine (Cl2), Arsine (AsH3), Phosgene, (CCl2O), Phosphine (PH3), Silane (SiH4), Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2), Fluorine (F2), Hydrogen (H2), Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) and Ethylene Oxide (EtO). Up to 5 gas sensors (in addition to a temperature sensor) can be configured into a single TG-501 probe. Or choose the EC-202 probe for temperature and a single gas sensor. If %RH is important in the same probe.
GrayWolf toxic gas monitors, meters, detectors and instruments efficiently log your data and enable enhanced documentation for your surveys by means of advanced software and the power of mobile computing.

DirectSense TOX复合气体检测仪


3.我们提供DirectSense TOX复合气体检测仪计量送检,在签收前请详细核查资料信息.
4.TY10DirectSense TOX复合气体检测仪价格根据配置和货期不同而不同,具体以合同为准.
5.我们为阁下提供保修TY10DirectSense TOX复合气体检测仪售后维修服务,提供后期技术支持.
6.阁下对TY10DirectSense TOX复合气体检测仪使用方法等有需求时,将为阁下找到DirectSense TOX复合气体检测仪说明书.

灰狼DirectSense TOX复合气体检测仪


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