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订 货 号:ZY317150 品    牌:PureAire Monitoring Systems 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Oxygen Deficiency Monitor
Suitable for Class 1 Div 2 Group B
No maintenance Zirconium cell
No calibration required
No drift to environmental or temperature changes
10 + year Sensor life
Local display
4-20 mA analog output.
Optional user adjustable alarm relay
The Air check O2 Deficiency Monitor is a compact gas monitoring system that’s ideal for the continuous monitoring of inert gas storage areas, confined spaces, and other locations where low oxygen levels may pose a hazard to personnel. Unlike electrochemical sensor cells the Air check O2 zirconium cell provides stable oxygen readings even in areas where temperature and humidity levels are changing. The PureAire Air check O2 Deficiency Monitor is suitable for either indoor or outdoor use.
The heart of the monitoring system is a long lasting zirconium sensor, which responds to low oxygen conditions within 15 seconds and provides accurate measurements over a wide temperature and humidity range. The zirconium O2 sensor cell will operate continuously for 5 or more years and requires an absolute minimum of maintenance. There are no zero or span calibration pots to adjust and when compared to disposable type sensors, our long life zirconium O2 sensor can save up to $475 annually and will pay for itself in just over 3 years!
Ideal for continuously monitoring oxygen levels in confined spaces or areas where inert gases are used, the Air check O2 Deficiency Monitor does not drift or loose sensitivity when the weather or temperature changes. The electronics are housed in a Nema 4X IP 65 weather resistance housing. Connects to DCS and PLC Controls The Air check O2 Deficiency Monitor is 24VDC powered and transmits continuous oxygen concentration levels to any distributive control system, programmable logic controller or PureAire’s proprietary single and multichannel controllers. The Air check O2 Deficiency Monitor can be operated remote up to 1,000 meters, 0.6 miles from centralized distributive control systems. PureAire’s Oxygen Sensor Cell The Air check O2 Deficiency Monitor uses an exclusive Current Limiting Zirconium Oxide Oxygen sensor that never requires a reference gas. Unlike concentration type zirconium cells that must have a reference gas, PureAire’s O2 monitor can operate in 100% nitrogen environments. Capable of detecting 0% up to 100% oxygen levels, the current limiting O2 sensor operates at a lower temperature than competitive concentration type cells. The average life of PureAire’s O2 sensor is over 5 years in most environments.
The Air check O2 Deficiency Monitor never needs calibration. The earth is a wonderful source of calibrated oxygen and under ambient levels; PureAire’s O2 monitor is continuously being challenged to 20.9%. There are no zero or span adjustments to make; the only optional response test required is to subject the O2 system to nitrogen periodically. O2 Monitor System Features The Air check O2 Deficiency Monitor is available in many different configurations. PureAirePureAire manufactures and provides life safety and environmental gas monitoring systems, protecting employees in the workplace.  We incorporate proprietary gas-specific sensor technology for detecting low sub TLV levels of toxic, corrosive, pyrophoric, explosive and oxygen depleting gases.
PureAire specializes in providing reliable, proven monitoring solutions for many industries including semiconductor, chemical, petro-chemical, pharmaceutical, refining, refrigeration, waste treatment, and aerospace.
Models include: Air Check O2 deficiency monitor, Air Check Advantage Extractive gas monitor, STX-PA stand-alone gas detector, TX-FN Refrigeration Ammonia monitor, Air Check Lite Smart gas detection system, Air Check EX Explosion proof monitor, Air Check Scrubber Monitor, Air Check Multipoint Continuous multi-point gas monitor, TX-KE-D Intrinsically safe hazardous gas detector, SH-1007 series methyl bromide monitor and Mini-BA portable multigas toxic VOC detector. 
PureAire’s sensor technology is renewable and offers the lowest annual cost of maintenance versus competitive monitors.  Annual replacement materials run less than $75 per sensor.
PureAire’s Oxygen monitor uses a unique zirconium oxide sensor that is totally immune to barometric pressure, temperature and humidity changes.  It requires no calibration with an operational life of 6 + years.




PureAire Monitoring Systems缺氧仪


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