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TY10Model BT 300氧气分析仪ZX21


Model BT 300氧气分析仪

Model BT 300氧气分析仪
订 货 号:ZY317129 品    牌:FER 产    地:意大利 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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In situ mounting
Good stability
Suitable for hostile process
No calibration
Suitable for dusty process
This analyzer is based on a Yttria fully stabilized zirconia element. It represent an excellent solution for oxygen measuring after combustion directly in the stack avoiding all expensive and complicated sampling and conditioning system of the flue gas.
The analyzer whose probe is equipped with a armored electric heater, can be used in processes with temperature  within room and 600°C. The K type thermocouple that is built inside the probe, is used for regulating the temperature of the cell and for compensating the output of the cell at the actual temperature of the platinum electrodes. The calibration is no longer necessary.
The attractive price is compatible with the high performance of this model thanks to its simple construction.
The analyzer consist of the probe (produced in several lengths), the electronic transmitter and the flowmeter box.
All parts of the analyzer have been drawn, produced and tested by our staff.
Probe model 5175 compact and resistant, is fully produced in stainless steel. The flue gas gets in contact with the cell without any circulation inside the probe. The probe is mounted directly into the process by its four holes flange. The probe is produced in three different standard lengths: mm. 350, 500, 1000 under flange. Outside the head are present two compression fittings for mm. 6x4 tubing, to drive to the cell reference air and air or gas from a cylinder to control the accurate Oxygen measuring. The probe can be mounted in any position. We suggest the mounting in vertical position.
Model B705 converter. It is a field transmitter that can convert the signals from the zirconia cell and the regulation and compensation thermocouple of the Fer oxygen probe mod. 5175. Microprocessor based associated to a 16 bit analogue to digital converter  is equipped with high brightness led display (31/2 digit) that continually displays the volume oxygen content. On the display it is possible to call by pressing some keys, the temperature and the impedance of the cell to evaluate the consumption of the platinum electrode and all settable parameters.
Flowmeter box mod. 62 provides reference air, with an electric membrane pump, to the probe and air or gas (from cylinder) to control the accuracy of the reading
Parameters to be considered for the correct use of the probe
Maximum temperature of the process in the point where it is planned to mount the probe the probe.
Particulate content.
Choosing the length of the probe. To have a fast and accurate O2 reading, the tip of the probe should stay within 1/3 and 2/3 of the stack diameter
Temperature of the head of the probe. It should not overtake 150°C. If higher please contact our Technical office.
The electric connections between the probe and the electronic unit must be done using the special cable that can be supplied; maximum length of 100 mt.
Pneumatic connections: n.2 using flexible or rigid 6x4 tubing.

Model BT 300氧气分析仪


3.我们提供Model BT 300氧气分析仪计量送检,在签收前请详细核查资料信息.
4.TY10Model BT 300氧气分析仪价格根据配置和货期不同而不同,具体以合同为准.
5.我们为阁下提供保修TY10Model BT 300氧气分析仪售后维修服务,提供后期技术支持.
6.阁下对TY10Model BT 300氧气分析仪使用方法等有需求时,将为阁下找到Model BT 300氧气分析仪说明书.

FERModel BT 300氧气分析仪


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