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TY10PT295 Series 有毒/氧气气体传感器ZX21


PT295 Series 有毒/氧气气体传感器

PT295 Series 有毒/氧气气体传感器
订 货 号:ZY316997 品    牌:PemTech 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Microprocessor based modular design
Electrochemical Sensor Technology
Industry standard 4-20mA output
Field adjustable Alarm level
Single point Non-Intrusive calibration
Bright 3 digit LED display
Displays gas concentration in ppm, calibration prompts and sensor fault codes
Class I, Div 1, Suitable for use in Hazardous Location
Model PT295 is a microprocessor-based sensor for toxic gas detection in parts per million (ppm) level. The unit features easy one-man calibration initiated by simply activating a magnetic switch and applying the gas.
The complete sensor consists of a stainless steel sensor head assembly, a user connection board and a transmitter board assembly. All of the sensor electronics are enclosed in an explosion proof instrument box. The units modular design allows easy maintenance, troubleshooting, and high reliability.
The unit provides a fully programmable alarm relay and a linear 4-20mA signal proportinoal to 0 to 100% of the detection range of the sensor.
The sensor transmitter board includes a three (3) digit LED display for continuous indication of the gas concentration. The calibration mode, alarm and fault status of the sensor are also indicated on the digital display. In the normal operating mode the digital display and 4-20mA reading is proportional to the gas concentration detected by the sensor. In the calibration mode the digital display indicates the calibration status, alarm relay output is inhibited and analog signal output is set to 2 mA to avoid any false alarm by the control monitor. In the sensor fault mode the transmitter drops the output signal to < 1 mA.
Sensor Type
Measuring Ranges

Ammonia (NH3)
50 ppm
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
100 & 1000 ppm
Chlorine (CL2)
10 ppm
Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2)
50 ppm
Ethylene (C2H4)
100 pm
Ethylene Oxide (C2H4O)
50 ppm
Hydrogen Chloride (HCL)
20 ppm
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
100 ppm
Hydrogen (H2)
100 & 1000 ppm
Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN)
30 ppm
Methyl Mercaptan (CH3SH)
100 ppm
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
20 ppm
Nitric Oxide (NO)
100 ppm
Oxygen Deficiency (O2)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
50 ppm

± 2 % Full scale
Zero Drift
< 5% per year
Response Time
T90 < 30 seconds with 100% FS gas applied
Class I, division 1, Groups B, C & D
Operating Temperature
-4°F to +158°F (-20°C to +70°C)
Operating Humidity
15% to 90% RH, non-condensing
CSA / ATEX for use in Hazardous Locations
Status Indicators
Three-digit display for gas concentration, Alarm relay status, calibration mode and sensor fault status.
Mechanical Specifications
Length: 7 inches (178 mm)
Width: 5 inches (127 mm)
Height: 4.5 inches (114 mm)
Input Power
14-28 VDC. 24 VDC nominal
Power Consumption
50mA @ 24 VDC nominal
Alarm Relays
Fully programmable. 0 to Full scale range of the sensor. Latching or Non-Latching.
Relay Ratings
SPDT Form “C” type Relay contacts
5 Amps @ 250 VAC or 30 VDC
Analog Output
Linear 4-20mA (300 Ohms max. load)
2.0 mA - Calibration mode
< 1.0 mA - Sensor malfunction
Non-Intrusive activated by internal magnetic switch
Cable Requirement
3 conductor shield cable.

PT295 Series 有毒/氧气气体传感器


3.我们提供PT295 Series 有毒/氧气气体传感器计量送检,在签收前请详细核查资料信息.
4.TY10PT295 Series 有毒/氧气气体传感器价格根据配置和货期不同而不同,具体以合同为准.
5.我们为阁下提供保修TY10PT295 Series 有毒/氧气气体传感器售后维修服务,提供后期技术支持.
6.阁下对TY10PT295 Series 有毒/氧气气体传感器使用方法等有需求时,将为阁下找到PT295 Series 有毒/氧气气体传感器说明书.

PemTechPT295 Series 有毒/氧气气体传感器


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