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TY10MicroBio MB2空气采样器ZX21


MicroBio MB2空气采样器

MicroBio MB2空气采样器
订 货 号:ZY300046 品    牌:Advanced 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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The portable Spiral Biotech MicroBio Air Sampler monitors air quality by collecting airborne bioaerosol contaminants on Petri dishes in both indoor and outdoor environments. The MicroBio utilizes simple and inexpensive contact plates for air quality control. The resulting quantitative data correlates directly to the volume of air sampled in the environment and can be easily evaluated over time. Available for 55mm and 100mm plates, the MicroBio is perfect for any situation where air sampling is required.
· Adjustable sampling volume from 25 L to1000 L
· User-programmed frequently used volumes
· Programmable and time-delayed operation (15 to 300 seconds)
· Lightweight (650 g) and portable
· Rechargeable NiMH batteries
· Quiet operation
· Easy-to-read alpha-numeric display
· Microprocessor controlled
How it works:
Air is aspirated through a removable metal head, containing a series of 1 mm holes, at a rate of 100 liters/min. The laminar airflow created by this design impels microorganisms onto the agar surface. Once incubated, the visible colonies can be counted. The count, along with volume of air sampled, is used to calculate the number of microorganisms per cubic meter of air (CFU/m3).
Technical Specifications
Normal Air Flow Rate: 100 liters/min, factory calibrated - traceable to National Standards
Weight: 0.650 kg (1.43 lb)
Housing - black ABS plastic
Sampling head, Contact Plate Support and Air Exhaust - aluminum
Housing – 196 mm x 100 mm x 40 mm (7.72 " H x 3.94" W x 1.57" D)
Sampling Head and Support Assembly (attached to housing) – overall 95 mm dia. x 70 mm (3.74" dia. x 2.76")
Power Supply: Rechargeable NiMH batteries (4xAA) in user accessible battery compartment
Battery Charger: Separate - 4 cell constant current 110 ma/hr.

MicroBio MB2空气采样器


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AdvancedMicroBio MB2空气采样器


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